Tour to discover Giannutri, surely one of the wildest and most impervious islands of the Tuscan archipelago, an uncontaminated oasis surrounded by crystal clear waters. The seabed is so rich and beautiful that it warranted the establishment of an important Marine Park.
This gem of the archipelago is characterized by the presence of three hills: Capel Rosso, Monte Mario and Poggio Cannone and for its 11km of jagged coast full of suggestive inlets and dotted with beaches such as Cala Brigantina, Cala dello Scoglio and Cala dello Slave. The island is quite exclusive: a paradise of 3 square km where there are no roads, cars, hotels, very few private houses, and only two docking points.
The total lack of fresh water has never allowed man to permanently inhabit the island, even if its vegetation has managed to survive this extreme environment.
Once disembarked, we will set out for the paths of the Park wrapped in the scents of Mediterranean scrub, reachable only with a guide, heading south towards the great lighthouse which is located on a cliff called the Grottoni for the enormous caves dug out by the strength of the winds and sandstorms that come from the northern coasts of Africa. This island is also famous for the nesting of the Herring Gull. In fact, more than 4,000 Herring Gull couples nest on the island.
After the packed lunch, we will walk to Cala Maestra where we will have the opportunity to enjoy a nice swim.